Course Creator Design Bundle (Choose 3)


When people buy a course, they aren’t just buying content – they’re buying into your vision.

To create a vision people want to be a part of, your content design needs to reflect your purpose.

Choose 3 of our Course Creator Design products to make your course a cut above the rest.



  • up to 10 to 14 business days



Please complete the Graphic Design Form below.

This form allows me to capture your design vision in more detail.

Service #1: Text Based Logo

Text Based Logo
Image Based Logo

Service #2: 5 Worksheets/Opt-Ins

5 Worksheets/Opt-Ins
Social Media Pack (10 Instagram & Facebook Graphics)
5 Email Newsletter Templates

Service #3: Course Workbook Design (up to 10 pages)

Course Workbook Design (up to 10 pages)
Ebook Cover
Slide Deck (1 Cover, 14 interior pages)
Additional Information
Service #1

Text Based Logo, Image Based Logo

Service #2

5 Worksheets/Opt-Ins, Social Media Pack (10 Instagram & Facebook Graphics), 5 Email Newsletter Templates

Service #3

Course Workbook Design (up to 10 pages), Ebook Cover, Slide Deck (1 Cover, 14 interior pages)